Maintaining a consistent supply of safe, clean drinking water is critical to protect public health and ensure utilities meet regulatory standards. Smart water networks can monitor entire systems in real-time and alert on any unauthorised use or tampering that may risk damaging the network.
Ensuring a safe and reliable water network
How can our smart technologies help with network security?
ADARI portal can identify any potential tampering problems immediately
Smart hydrant technology can report when it is being used without authorisation
Smart hydrant and standpipe technology will report on illegal tampering
Our smart standpipes technologies are fitted with double check valves (DCVs) which prevent backflow of water, so water use is calculated accurately. Orbis’ smart hydrant technology also automatically records any illegal water usage, providing critical data on time and volume consumed.
ADARI portal can constantly monitor for illegal tampering
Our cutting-edge smart sensor technology can monitor entire networks of infrastructure and quickly identify unauthorised use of water. The ADARI portal and dashboard converts sensor data into actionable intelligence, which can accurately pinpoint anyone illegally tampering or accessing the network. This real-time data makes it possible to immediately deploy technicians to specific locations to investigate and take appropriate action when needed to protect the general public. Minimising the time between occurrence, action and enforcement will act as a deterrent for illegal tampering.
Want to talk about Orbis smart networks?
Would you like to be able to instantly detect leaks, measure water flow, spot discolouration and identify illegal tampering on the network?